“Even if you don’t have a ready sketch of what you want
we will help you to get the result you dreamed of.”

[ building information modeling ]


3D modeling is often inaccurately presented to clients as a BIM projects. Our team has been working with BIM since more than 10 years on international projects having the skills and the know-how to assist partners and clients with a great variety of services, including analyzing documentation and coordinating all the necessary aspects BIM is requiring.

[ The Philosophy ]

Interior Design

Coordination and workflow are an essential aspect to make sure that a project is managed in the right way: our interior designers will know exactly how to exploit opportunities, to make sure that issues to be taken into consideration are brought up.

[ about company ]


Analyzing the client’s needs and requirements is probably the very first activity that requires great attention. We have years of experience in international projects, a know-how that allows us to coordinate all the required activities to make sure that timetables are followed and respected.











Interior Design

Interior Design

Emotions beyond expectations
Wonna work with us?

At every stage, we could supervise your project – controlling all the details and consulting the builders.

[ BIM Exclusive ]

From Our Archive

I ruoli del BIM
La tematica dei ruoli BIM è molto attuale e dibattuta, sia nei tavoli di lavoro tecnici, dedicati a disciplinare questo aspetto, sia nella pratica del lavoro quotidiano e nella ...
File Nativi e File aperti IFC
All'interno del BIM è molto importante comprendere, anche strategicamente, la differenza tra file cosiddetti "nativi" e i file aperti IFC. Ogni software authoring, ovvero un sot...
L'accentramento del BIM all'interno del CDE
Quando si parla di BIM non si può non parlare di collaborazione; e di conseguenza di CDE, acronimo di Common Data Environment ovvero un ambiente di condivisione dei dati con del...